Time for action – making the cards two-sided

We'll write some logic so that the cards show one image or another depending on whether or not they've been flipped over.

  1. Find this line in your BuildGrid function:
  2. Change card.img to img so that the line reads like this:
      if(GUILayout.Button(Resources.Load(img), GUILayout.Width(cardW)))
  3. Just above that line, find the card variable definition:
      var card:Object = aGrid[i,j];
  4. Insert this line just after it:
    var img:String;
  5. Finally, after that line, write this conditional statement:
        img = card.img;
      } else {
        img = "wrench";

    The whole function should look like this when you're finished:

     function BuildGrid() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); ...

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