The anatomy of a loop

An iterative loop always starts with the for keyword. It has three important sections:

  • Where to start
  • Where to end
  • What to do after every loop finishes

In this case, we start by declaring an iterator variable called i of type int (integer), and set that iterator i to zero.

var i:int = 0

Next, we say that we're going to loop as long as the value of i is less than (<) the value of rows. Because we've already set rows to 4, this code will loop four times.


In the third section, we increase the value of i by one. Here's how the interpreter chews through our loop:

  1. Set an integer variable called i to 0.
  2. Check to see if i is less than rows (4). 0 is less than 4, so let's go!
  3. Run the code inside the loop.
  4. When we're finished, increase ...

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