Slash and burn!

If you want to finish a game, you need to cut the complexity and the features. Bring out your red pen and/or machete, and follow along:

  1. Scrap the sets and the best-of-five match structure
  2. Kibosh the teams
  3. Jettison the multiple players
  4. Ditch the net
  5. Nix the referee and the spectators

    What do we have? Just a person with a ball, looking kind of lonely. Hmm! That person might be a little tricky to model, texture, rig, and animate. Let's keep slashing.

  6. Next, trash the player

Now where are we? We have a ball, floating in midair; a ball that can't hit the floor. So, we need something simple to hit the ball with. A human character is too complicated, so let's just say it's a surface. We'll have some kind of thing that we can bounce the ball on. ...

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