Time for action - fixing the fall

In The Break-Up, our falling objects were larger, and they fell through a smaller vertical range. Now that there's no ground to hit and the sky's the limit, we should tweak a few lines of code in our EnemyShip Script (formerly the FallingObject Script). Double-click the EnemyShip Script and roll up your sleeves:

  • Change:
    if(transform.position.y < 0)
  • to:
    if(transform.position.y < -4)

This allows the enemy ship to reposition itself when it moves off the bottom edge of the screen, instead of when it hits the non-existent ground plane at y:0.

  • Change:
    transform.position.y = 50;
  • to:
    transform.position.y = 71;

When the EnemyShip is repositioned, cranking up its y value will start it just above the top edge of the screen.

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