Time for action - write the collision detection code

Pop open the CharacterScript and let's get bizzay.

  1. Type up the following function within the script. Be sure to follow the rules we've learned about where to properly write a new function (that is, "outside" of your other functions):
    function OnCollisionEnter(col : Collision)
    if(col.gameObject.tag == "bomb")
    // I got hit by a bomb!
    else if (col.gameObject.tag == "stein")
    animation.Play("catch"); // Ima catch that stein!
    col.gameObject.transform.position.y = 50;
    col.gameObject.transform.position.x = Random.Range(0,60);

Once again, our prior knowledge of useful game code serves us well. This line should already look familiar:

function OnCollisionEnter(col : Collision) {

We're declaring ...

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