Time for action - compare the IDs

To compare the IDs, we need to make some changes to the FlipCardFaceUp function.

  1. Note that we're folding two existing lines of code inside a new conditional statement:
    function FlipCardFaceUp(card:Object)
    card.isFaceUp = true;
    if(aCardsFlipped.IndexOf(card) < 0)
    if(aCardsFlipped.Count == 2)
    playerCanClick = false;
    yield WaitForSeconds(1);
    if(aCardsFlipped[0].id == aCardsFlipped[1].id)
    // Match!
    aCardsFlipped[0].isMatched = true;
    aCardsFlipped[1].isMatched = true;
    aCardsFlipped[0].isFaceUp = false;
    aCardsFlipped[1].isFaceUp = false;
    aCardsFlipped = new ArrayList();
    playerCanClick = true;

    Here, we check to see if the two flipped-over cards have the same ID value. ...

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