Time for action - ID the cards

Let's revisit our card-creation code and give each card an ID number. We'll use that number to detect matches.

  1. In the BuildDeck function, add this line:
    function BuildDeck()
    var totalRobots:int = 4; // we've got four robots to work with
    var card:Object; // this stores a reference to a card
    var id:int = 0;
  2. Look a little further down the code. Pass the id value to the Card class with each robot and missing body part card, and then increment the ID number:
    card = new Card("robot" + (i+1) + "Missing" + theMissingPart, id);
    card= new Card("robot" + (i+1) + theMissingPart,id);
  3. Add id as a property of the Card class. Accept id as an argument in the Card class constructor function, ...

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