Time for action - add the sample code to your Script

Add the new code to your existing game code. You'll need to shuffle a few lines around. Here it is with the new stuff highlighted:

var smooth = 2.0; var tiltAngle = 30.0; function Update () { var halfW:float = Screen.width/2; transform.position.x = (Input.mousePosition.x - halfW)/halfW; var halfH:float = Screen.height/3; transform.position.z = (Input.mousePosition.y - halfH)/halfH; // Smoothly tilts a transform towards a target rotation. var tiltAroundZ = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * tiltAngle; var tiltAroundX = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * tiltAngle; var target = Quaternion.Euler (tiltAroundX, 0, tiltAroundZ); // Dampen towards the target rotation transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, ...

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