Time for action - follow the Y position of the mouse

  1. Modify your code to add a few familiar-looking lines:
    function Update ()
    var halfW:float = Screen.width/2;
    transform.position.x = (Input.mousePosition.x - halfW)/halfW;
    var halfH:float = Screen.height/2;
    transform.position.z = (Input.mousePosition.y - halfH)/halfH;

The two new lines of code are almost identical to the first two lines. We've created a new variable and called it halfH (half height) instead of halfW. We're changing the z property of Input.mousePosition instead of x. When you save the Script and test your game, you'll have a fully movable paddle to bounce your ball on.


Math effect

I actually put a little cheat into my code. I wanted the paddle to travel deeper and farther ...

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