Time for action - animate the Paddle

  1. Jump back into your MouseFollow Script if you're not there already by double-clicking on it in the Project panel.
  2. Change the line of code in the Update function ever so slightly so that it reads as follows:
    function Update () {
    transform.position.x += 0.2;

The changes are very subtle. We added a plus sign (+) before the equals sign (=), and we made the number smaller by adding a zero and a decimal place in front of it, changing it from 2 to 0.2.

Save the Script and test your game. The Paddle should scoot out the way, and fly straight off the right-edge of the screen!

What just happened - what witchcraft is this?

We made the 2 smaller, because the Paddle would have just rocketed off the screen in a twinkling ...

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