How it works...

When the Standard Shader is used from the Inspector of a material, the process behind texture mapping is completely transparent to developers. If we want to understand how it works, it's necessary to take a closer look at TexturedShader. From the Properties section, we can see that the Albedo (RGB) texture is actually referred to in the code as _MainTex:

_MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} 

In the CGPROGRAM section, this texture is defined as sampler2D, the standard type for 2D textures:

sampler2D _MainTex; 

The following line shows a struct called Input. This is the input parameter for the surface function and contains a packed array called uv_MainTex:

struct Input { 
  float2 uv_MainTex; 

Every time the surf() function ...

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