How to do it...

We will learn how to implement the Dijkstra algorithm using the same number of parameters as the other algorithms, and then explain how to modify it to make maximum use of it according to its original purpose:

  1. Define the GetPathDijkstra function with its internal variables:
public List<Vertex> GetPathDijkstra(GameObject srcObj, GameObject dstObj) { if (srcObj == null || dstObj == null) return new List<Vertex>(); Vertex src = GetNearestVertex(srcObj.transform.position); Vertex dst = GetNearestVertex(dstObj.transform.position); GPWiki.BinaryHeap<Edge> frontier = new GPWiki.BinaryHeap<Edge>(); Edge[] edges; Edge node, child; int size = vertices.Count; float[] distValue = new float[size]; int[] previous = new int[size]; // next ...

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