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We'll learn ways to implement the LoadMap function by using the .map file format as an example:

  1. Define the function and create a StreamReader object for reading the file:
private void LoadMap(string filename) 
    string path = Application.dataPath + "/" + mapsDir + "/" + filename; 
        StreamReader strmRdr = new StreamReader(path); 
        using (strmRdr) 
            // next steps in here 
    catch (Exception e) 
  1. Declare and initialize the necessary variables:
int j = 0; 
int i = 0; 
int id = 0; 
string line; 
Vector3 position =; 
Vector3 scale =; 
  1. Read the header of the file containing its height and width:
line = strmRdr.ReadLine();// non-important line line = strmRdr.ReadLine();// height ...

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