How to do it...

We will implement the Convolve function:

  1. Declare the Convolve function:
public static void Convolve( 
        float[,] matrix, 
        ref float[,] source, 
        ref float[,] destination) 
    // next steps 
  1. Initialize the variables for handling the computations and the traversal of arrays:
int matrixLength = matrix.GetLength(0); 
int size = (int)(matrixLength - 1) / 2; 
int height = source.GetLength(0); 
int width = source.GetLength(1); 
int I, j, k, m; 
  1. Create the first loop for iterating over the destination and source grids:
for (i = 0; i < width-- size; i++) 
    for (j = 0; j < height-- size; j++) 
        // next steps 
  1. Implement the second loop for iterating over the filter matrix:
destination[i, j] = 0f; for (k = 0; k < matrixLength; k++) ...

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