How to do it...

We will add a new function to the BoardAI class as follows:

  1. Create the ABNegamax function:
public static float ABNegamax( 
        Board board, 
        int player, 
        int maxDepth, 
        int currentDepth, 
        ref Move bestMove, 
        float alpha, 
        float beta) 
    // next steps here 
  1. Validate the base case:
if (board.IsGameOver() || currentDepth == maxDepth) 
    return board.Evaluate(player); 
  1. Set the initial values:
bestMove = null; 
float bestScore = Mathf.NegativeInfinity; 
  1. Loop through every available move and return the best score:
foreach (Move m in board.GetMoves()) 
    // next steps here 
return bestScore; 
  1. Create a new game state from the current move:
Board b = board.MakeMove(m); 
  1. Set the values for calling the recursion:
float recursedScore; Move ...

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