Exploring the MathTree code

Without further ado, let's have a look at the code driving our test. This is MathTree.cs:

using UnityEngine; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
public class MathTree : MonoBehaviour { 
    public Color m_evaluating; 
    public Color m_succeeded; 
    public Color m_failed; 
    public Selector m_rootNode; 
    public ActionNode m_node2A; 
    public Inverter m_node2B; 
    public ActionNode m_node2C; 
    public ActionNode m_node3; 
    public GameObject m_rootNodeBox; 
    public GameObject m_node2aBox; 
    public GameObject m_node2bBox; 
    public GameObject m_node2cBox; 
    public GameObject m_node3Box; 
    public  int m_targetValue = 20; 
    private int m_currentValue = 0; 
    private Text m_valueLabel; 

The first few ...

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