
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, b indicate boxes, and t indicate tables.


accessibility 50–51
account managers 144, 404
acknowledgment tokens 241
activity materials, card sort 
description 309
exercise, example cards 309, 310f
primary data collected 310
affinity diagrams 253, 417
in building personas 40–44
in field studies 417
in interviews 253
American Marketing Association 140–141
The Animal Picture Board:Kenya 57–59
and coffee evaluation scale 58, 58f
financial institutions/mechanisms 58
interesting patterns 59
mobile transaction service 59
rural Kenya 57, 58f
anonymity and confidentiality 73
anti-user 42
artifact analysis 419, 420t
artifact notebook 419
artifacts 397, 398–399
artifact walkthroughs 387, 398–399 ...

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