About the Authors

Carlisle Adams has been involved with the design, specification, and standardization of various aspects of Public-Key Infrastructures and Privilege Management Infrastructures (PMI) for many years and is recognized internationally for his contributions in these areas. He has participated actively in the IETF Public-Key Infrastructure—X.509 (PKIX) and Common Authentication Technology (CAT) working groups, among others, and he has authored or coauthored a number of standards-track and informational specifications, including RFCs 2025 (SPKM), 2144 (CAST-128), 2479 (IDUP-GSS-API), 2510 (CMP), 2511 (CRMF), 2560 (OCSP), 2612 (CAST-256), 2984 (CAST-128 for CMS), 3029 (DVCS), and 3161 (TSP). He has also contributed to several other PKI ...

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