
Chapter 1

Hilbert, Martin, et al. 2011. “The World's Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information.” Science 332:60.

Lohr, Steve. September 9, 2011. “Data Explosion Lifts the Storage Market.” http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com. Bits blog of the New York Times, accessed 3/1/2013.

Miller, Rich. June 9, 2011. “A Look Inside Amazon's Data Centers.” http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives. Accessed 3/1/2013.

Nguyen. February 11, 2011. “What is the world's data storage capacity?” http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/thinking-tech/what-is-the-worlds-data-storage-capacity/6256. Accessed 3/1/2013.

Vastag, Brian. February 10, 2011. “Exabytes: Documenting the ‘digital age’ and huge growth in computing capacity.” Washington Post.

Chapter 2

“Class of 2010 Graduates Faced Worst Job Market Since Mid-1990s: Longstanding Employment Patterns Interrupted.” June 1, 2011. National Association for Law Placement. http://www.nalp.org/2010selectedfindingsrelease, accessed 1/5/2012.

“The NALP Salary Curve Morphs with the Class of 2010.” August 2011. National Association for Law Placement. http://www.nalp.org/salarycurve_classof2010, accessed 1/5/2012.

Chapter 3

Allegretto, Sylvia (2011) “The State of America's Wealth, 2011: Through volatility and turmoil, the gap widens.” Economic Policy Institute Briefing Paper #292. March 23.

Cruces, Guillermo, Ricardo Pérez Truglia and Martín Tetaz (2011) “Biased perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution: Evidence ...

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