
C is an important language and has had extensive treatment over the years. Central to the language are pointers that provide much of the flexibility and power found in the language. It provides the mechanism to dynamically manipulate memory, enhances support for data structures, and enables access to hardware. This power and flexibility comes with a price: pointers can be difficult to master.

Why This Book Is Different

Numerous books have been written about C. They usually offer a broad coverage of the language while addressing pointers only to the extent necessary for the topic at hand. Rarely do they venture beyond a basic treatment of pointers and most give only cursory coverage of the important memory management technology involving the stack and the heap. Yet without this discussion, only an incomplete understanding of pointers can be obtained. The stack and heap are areas of memory used to support functions and dynamic memory allocation, respectively.

Pointers are complex enough to deserve more in-depth treatment. This book provides that treatment by focusing on pointers to convey a deeper understanding of C. Part of this understanding requires a working knowledge of the program stack and heap along with the use of pointers in this context. Any area of knowledge can be understood at varying degrees, ranging from a cursory overview to an in-depth, intuitive understanding. That higher level of understanding for C can only be achieved with a solid understanding of pointers and the management of memory.

The Approach

Programming is concerned with manipulating data that is normally located in memory. It follows that a better understanding of how C manages memory will provide insight that translates to better programming. While it is one thing to know that the malloc function allocates memory from the heap, it is another thing to understand the implications of this allocation. If we allocate a structure whose logical size is 45, we may be surprised to learn that more than 45 bytes are typically allocated and the memory allocated may be fragmented.

When a function is called, a stack frame is created and pushed onto the program stack. Understanding stack frames and the program stack will clarify the concepts of passing by value and passing by pointer. While not necessarily directly related to pointers, the understanding of stack frames also explains how recursion works.

To facilitate the understanding of pointers and memory management techniques, various memory models will be presented. These range from a simple linear representation of memory to more complex diagrams that illustrate the state of the program stack and heap for a specific example. Code displayed on a screen or in a book is a static representation of a dynamic program. The abstract nature of this representation is a major stumbling block to understanding a program’s behavior. Memory models go a long way to helping bridge this gap.


The C language is a block structured language whose procedural aspects are shared with most modern languages such as C++ and Java. They all use a program stack and heap. They all use pointers, which are often disguised as references. We assume that you have a minimal understanding of C. If you are learning C, then this book will provide you with a more comprehensive treatment of pointers and memory than is found in other books. It will expand your knowledge base regarding C and highlight unfamiliar aspects of C. If you are a more experienced C or C++ programmer, this book will help you fill in possible gaps regarding C and will enhance your understanding of how they work “under the hood,” thus making you a better programmer. If you are a C# or Java developer, this book will help you better understand C and provide you with insight into how object-oriented languages deal with the stack and the heap.


The book is organized along traditional topics such as arrays, structures, and functions. However, each chapter focuses on the use of pointers and how memory is managed. For example, passing and returning pointers to and from functions are covered, and we also depict their use as part of stack frames and how they reference memory in the heap.

Chapter 1, Introduction

This chapter covers pointer basics for those who are not necessarily proficient or are new to pointers. This includes pointer operators and the declaration of different types of pointers such as constant pointers, function pointers, and the use of NULL and its closely related variations. This can have a significant impact on how memory is allocated and used.

Chapter 2, Dynamic Memory Management in C

Dynamic memory allocation is the subject of Chapter 2. The standard memory allocation functions are covered along with techniques for dealing with the deallocation of memory. Effective memory deallocation is critical to most applications, and failure to adequately address this activity can result in memory leaks and dangling pointers. Alternative deallocation techniques, including garbage collection and exception handlers, are presented.

Chapter 3, Pointers and Functions

Functions provide the building blocks for an application’s code. However, passing or returning data to and from functions can be confusing to new developers. This chapter covers techniques for passing data, along with common pitfalls that occur when returning information by pointers. This is followed by extensive treatment of function pointers. These types of pointers provide yet another level of control and flexibility that can be used to enhance a program.

Chapter 4, Pointers and Arrays

While array notation and pointer notation are not completely interchangeable, they are closely related. This chapter covers single and multidimensional arrays and how pointers are used with them. In particular, passing arrays and the various nuisances involved in dynamically allocating arrays in both a contiguous and a noncontiguous manner are explained and illustrated with different memory models.

Chapter 5, Pointers and Strings

Strings are an important component of many applications. This chapter addresses the fundamentals of strings and their manipulation with pointers. The literal pool and its impact on pointers is another often neglected feature of C. Illustrations are provided to explain and illuminate this topic.

Chapter 6, Pointers and Structures

Structures provide a very useful way of ordering and manipulating data. Pointers enhance the utility of structures by providing more flexibility in how they can be constructed. This chapter presents the basics of structures as they relate to memory allocation and pointers, followed by examples of how they can be used with various data structures.

Chapter 7, Security Issues and the Improper Use of Pointers

As powerful and useful as pointers can be, they are also the source of many security problems. In this chapter, we examine the fundamental problems surrounding buffer overflow and related pointer issues. Techniques for mitigating many of these problems are presented.

Chapter 8, Odds and Ends

The last chapter addresses other pointer techniques and issues. While C is not an object-oriented language, many aspects of object-oriented programming can be incorporated into a C program, including polymorphic behavior. The essential elements of using pointers with threads are illustrated. The meaning and use of the restrict keyword are covered.


This book is intended to provide a more in-depth discussion of the use of pointers than is found in other books. It presents examples ranging from the core use of pointers to obscure uses of pointers and identifies common pointer problems.

Conventions Used in This Book

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Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

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Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


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This icon indicates a warning or caution.

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