
From Dan

This book was truly a team effort. Without support, emails, comments, harassment, and suggestions from friends, family, and colleagues, this book would not have happened. First I'd like to thank my editor, Jonathan Gennick, for his astonishing amount of patience. He is fantastic to work with and helped keep this book on track.

Next, I'd like to thank the technical reviewers who were never short on suggestions or comments. At times I felt like this was the fourth edition of the book, after working in all their ideas. The tech reviewers were: Stephen Mellor, Michael Chonoles, Mike Hudson, Bernie Thuman, Kimberly Hamilton, Russ Miles, and Julie Webster.

Finally, I'd like to thank my family: my parents for supporting me from the start and setting an example that has driven me in both my professional and personal life, and my wife, Tracey, for somehow managing to hold everything together while I wrote this book. Compared to the magic she has been working, writing this book was a piece of cake. Last but not least, I'd like to thank my son Vinny: now we can head to the park!

From Neil

I'd like to thank Ron Wheeler and Jacques Hamel of Artifact-Software for allowing the use of XML examples. Thanks also to Derek McKee of Mindset Corporation for the use of LamMDA examples. Finally, I'd like to especially thank Jonathan Gennick for his depth of patience.

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