last and next

You can force Perl to end a loop early by using a last statement. last is similar to the C break command; the loop is exited. If you decide you need to skip the remaining contents of a loop without ending the loop itself, you can use next, which is similar to the C continue command. Unfortunately, these statements do not work with do ... while. However, you can use redo to jump to a loop (marked by a label) or inside the loop where called:

$a = 100;while (1) {  print "start\n";  TEST: {    if (($a = $a / 2) > 2) {      print "$a\n";      if (—$a < 2) {        exit;      }      redo TEST;    }  }}

In this simple example, the variable $a is repeatedly manipulated and tested in an endless loop. The word ...

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