Video Formats

Ubuntu recognizes a variety of video formats. The formats created by the MPEG group, Apple, and Microsoft dominate, however. At the heart of video formats are the codecs—the encoders and decoders of the video and audio information. These codecs are typically proprietary, but free codecs do exist. Here is a list of the most common video formats and their associated file extensions, although many more exist:

AVI (.avi)—The Windows audio visual format

FLV (.flv)—Used in Adobe Flash, supports H.264 and others

MPEG (.mpeg)—The MPEG video format; also known as. mpg

MOV (.mov)—Another QuickTime video format

OGV/OGG (.ogv/.ogg)—The Ogg Theora freely licensed video format

QT (.qt)—The QuickTime video format from Apple

WEBM ...

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