Creating a local repository with Git CLI

Now that we have the Git binaries installed, let's take a step forward and create our first local Git repository.

Getting ready

Make sure that you have installed Git.

How to do it…

We will take a common path by starting a new pet project, where we will simply create a new local directory, add some files to it, and then realize, Ohh I am gonna need a version control system:

  1. So, yes, quickly create your new project:
    $ mkdir mynewproject
    $ touch mynewproject /index.html
    $ touch mynewproject /main.js
    $ touch mynewproject/main.css
  2. Add some sample content to these files by editing them:

    Now you need to create a Git repository for this project. Sure, Git covered you with the git init command.

  3. Make sure you are in the ...

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