Chapter 12. Making Money with Your Blog

In This Chapter

  • Discovering how bloggers earn income blogging

  • Understanding the differences between CPM, CPC, and affiliate advertising

  • Finding out about Six Apart's in-house ad network

  • Managing your own ad sales

It's the million-dollar question (no pun intended): "How can a blogger turn his blog from a hobby into a business?" If you've invested a lot of time and creative energy in churning out a top-notch blog, it's understandable that you'd want to see some return on that investment. Do a Google search on making money with my blog, and you'll likely encounter sites that tell you how you can make many thousands of dollars monthly with blogging. You'll probably encounter others who bemoan how hard it is to earn even a hundred bucks a month. You'd be wise to enter the world of professional blogging with your eyes open and your expectations realistic, realizing that many successful bloggers don't earn enough to consider it a full-time primary income. But it's not a bad part-time job, especially if it's something you'd be doing anyway, for free!

Entire books have been written on the subject of blog monetization, or earning income on your blog, so one chapter won't be enough to cover every angle of the subject. We can, however, give you an overview of how many bloggers are accomplishing this, especially as it relates to TypePad blogging. Professional blogging is a lot of work, whether you use an outside ad service, sell ads yourself, or use TypePad's ...

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