Chapter 10. Creating Quality Content on Twitter

In This Chapter

  • Determining what makes quality content

  • Developing your story on Twitter

  • Finding and following twitter trends

  • Discovering how to effectively use hashtags

I base everything discussed in earlier chapters on one simple idea: People are interested in what you have to say. If you aren't interesting, if you don't have quality content, if you don't provide value, then people are going to ignore you. If you want people to pay attention to you and, as a result, visit your Web site and buy your product or service, then you need to have quality content in your tweets.

This chapter digs into the art of creating content that your followers will want to read.

Generating Quality Content

Quality content is one of those things you can't really define, but you know it when you see it. Quality content is basically content that provides some value or interest to the people who read it. (You thought I was going to say "has quality," didn't you?) Quality content has to be something people actually want to read in the first place. Forget whether you're laid-back or exciting, funny or dramatic, erudite or obtuse. You need to be interesting. If you aren't interesting, people will quit paying attention to you.


Being interesting on Twitter doesn't just mean having something clever and witty to say, although that doesn't hurt. Being interesting actually means you write things that aren't just commercial in nature. If you're only tweeting about your ...

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