Chapter 15. The End

We’ve reached the end of our tour through the Twisted library.

We started with an overview of Twisted’s architecture and the event-driven programming model. We practiced using Twisted’s primitives and common idioms to write basic clients and servers, and then built up and deployed production-grade servers that log, authenticate, talk to databases, and more. We finished by surveying client and server implementations for several popular protocols.

You now have all of the tools you need to build and deploy event-driven clients and servers for any protocol, and I think you’ll find that to be a powerful tool to have in your back pocket. Twisted powers everything from networked game engines and streaming media servers to web crawling frameworks and continuous integration systems to BitTorrent clients and AMQP peers. The next time you need to programmaticaly download data from a website, test an HTTP client, process your email, or annoy your friends with an IRC bot, you know what to do.

Thank you for reading! We’d love to hear your thoughts on this book. Please send feedback and technical questions to . You can find more information about the book, and a list of errata, at

Contributing to Twisted

Twisted exists because of the collective effort of dozens of core developers and hundreds of contributors. For over a decade, they have volunteered their time to the library and sourrounding infrastructure. Please ...

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