Chapter 21. Twitter Telephone

Tweet this Project

Twitter is always evolving. Users are constantly inventing new ways to organize and manage their messages. One of the newest conventions to catch on is the “MT” or Modified Tweet. This is similar to an “RT” or ReTweet, except instead of quoting a tweet exactly, the sender modifies the original message slightly—while (hopefully) retaining the original meaning—before sending it.

Original Tweet by @timoreilly: “I finally figured out the future of profitable publishing. I’ve written all the secrets here:”
Retweet: “RT @timoreilly: I finally figured out the future of profitable publishing. I’ve written the secrets here”
Modified Tweet: “MT @timoreilly ‘I figured out the future of publishing.’ Well it’s about time! We’ve all been waiting.”

This particular project takes the MT concept, and intensifies it for fun and engagement. This is a game of Twitter Telephone. It won’t drive traffic. Nor will it drive sales. But if you’re looking for something to remind people you’re around and put some pep into your Twitter audience on a sleepy afternoon, this game is quick, fun, and easy.

The concept is simple. Write a message or phrase and pass it on to ONE person by placing that user’s username at the beginning of your tweet. Add in the game’s hashtag (#tt) and ask the recipient of the tweet to change one word of the message and pass it on to another person.

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