

802.11n standard, 6


abbreviating long filenames in Command Prompt, 432–433

Access Denied message, configuring for standard users, 127–128


Mac shares in Windows, 331, 334

router setup pages, 22

Run command, 30

activating Administrator account, 136–139

Activity Reporting (Parental Controls), 116

ad hoc wireless networks, creating, 374–376


icons to Quick Launch toolbar, 380

parameters to Command Prompt commands, 430–432

programs with Open With dialog box, 319

switches to Command Prompt commands, 430–432

tabs to Windows Explorer, 320–321

Address bar (Internet Explorer)

editing, 41

list, clearing, 106–108

searching with, 184–186


blink rate of cursor, 206

font size, 207–209

admin approval mode (Administrator ...

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