
Senior Editors/Project Managers: Sharon Rapose and Roxanne Beck

Contributing Editor: Alice Dennard

Contributing Researchers: Eric Mallory Morgan, Brenna Galvin

Endless thanks to the following wise, kind and generous souls for their invaluable insights, guidance and help: Stefano Agosto, Tiffany Alexander, Zach Bianco, Steven Canals, Ed Cha, Steven Conrad, Christina Davis, Channing Dungey, Rhona Foulis, Simon Jacobs, Nate Kohn, Andrei Konst, Ellen Kreamer, Damon Lindelof, John Makowski, Heather Marion, Ryan Murphy, Guido Segal, Joey Siara, Joel Surnow, Rosario Varela, Lizzy Weiss and Kit Williamson.

To all my amazing past, present and future students, along with my brilliant and dedicated UCLA colleagues. You all inspire me every ...

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