


I sang my first commercial for Cream of Wheat on CBS´s Let´s Pretend when I was 11 years old. Later, I sang for Tide. I announced the Oh Henry Candy Bar openings for Official Detective and regularly asked, "Where´s the LAVA soap?" on FBI in Peace & War. I worked on hundreds of commercials. I also played the part of Bobby Benson on The B-B Riders, selling kid cowboy merchandise, and appeared as Portia´s son on Portia Faces Life, which sold such diverse products as Grape Nut Flakes, Maxwell House Coffee, Jell-O desserts, and La France Bleach.

My acting career came to an end when I went to college, but since I was studying theater I felt I was still "in the biz." Upon graduation I worked my way to a position as staff director and then ...

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