Using the Help Center

Whenever you have a question about how Tumblr works, or if you simply want to find out more about a particular feature, find stats on Tumblr’s users and development team, or see whether anyone’s encountered a bug you’ve run across, head to Tumblr’s Help Center at .

The Help Center page, shown in Figure A-1, has a search field at the top for you to enter your search term and a blue magnifying-glass button you can click to submit your query. Below the search-field area, you’ll see a listing of the most frequently asked questions and short answers to them.


Figure A-1: The Tumblr Help Center is available 24/7 to anyone with an Internet connection.

When you search for a particular term, the search results will appear below the search field. Then you may click any links within the search results to drill deeper into the answer to your inquiry. For example, if you want to know how to reset your password, the answer is If you forget your password, you can reset it via e-mail. Embedded within that sentence is a link to the Forgot Password page, which provides further details about how this process works.

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