
It is customary for authors of works of nonfiction to whine to their readers about the impossibility of thanking everyone that they should. We certainly have no cause to break with this tradition. Indeed, our situation is worse than most. The contents of this book are not the results of a bounded research project. Rather, they are the collective product of a quarter-century collaboration, not only among the authors, or even among the hundreds of design professionals who have worked at MAYA over the years. Rather, the circle of credit extends in a most fundamental way to include the many extraordinary clients with whom we have been privileged to work. The countless intimate collaborations with our clients’ engineers, designers, marketers, and managers are the wellspring of whatever insights we may have to offer. To mention even a few would be a disservice to many others of equal importance, so we can only acknowledge the depth and breadth of our debt here. And, of course, the collective contribution of everyone in the MAYA family—past and present—is vast beyond calculation.

In thanking those with a direct hand in the creation of the book itself, we must begin with Ralph Lombreglia. Whatever success we have had in making unfamiliar and complex topics accessible to the general reader has benefitted greatly from his fine rhetorical sensibilities and his unfailing good advice throughout the project. A number of longtime MAYAns have also been direct contributors to the ...

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