

absorption, 51–5
absorption tests modelling, 47–51
CAT test, 49–51
general model for water flow, 47–8
ISAT and absorption, 48–9
acid soluble, 11
adsorption, 11–12
advection calculation, 20
air curing, 51
air flow measurement
tests using vacuum, 55–7
air permeability of near surface (APNS) test, 29, 56
alkaline barrier, 248–9
analytical models to calculate permeability, 43–59
additional tests, 43–7
choice of test for practical applications, 57–9
experimental testing for absorption, 51–5
modelling of absorption tests, 47–51
tests using vacuum to measure air flow, 55–7
analytical solution, 89–90, 169–71, 204
considering multiple ions, 169–71
relationship between calculated chloride diffusion coefficients, 205
single ion, 169
anode, 222

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