

academic degrees, worth of, 123

Aha! moments, 143-144

alpha in trend following, 137

Altis Partners, 5, 19

Apple Computer, 87

approval ratings, based on economy, 181-182

Aspect Capital, 5

average true range, defined, 13

averaging losses, avoiding, 79


Bacon, Louis, 5, 15

Barclays CTA Index, 15

Barings Bank collapse, 4

Bartiromo, Maria, 174, 177

batting statistics example, 138-139

Becker, Gary, 25

behaviors, leading to market losses, 117-120

benchmark comparisons, 105-106

Bernanke, Ben, 175-176

bet sizing, 61-62

beta, defined, 12

black box, trend following compared to, 187

Black Swan (Taleb), 91

Blankfein, Lloyd, 175

blind risk, 56

BlueCrest, 5

Borish, Peter, 143

Bratt, Elmer Clark, 230


irrational behavior in, 25-26

predicting, ...

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