A detailed mental image is one of the most powerful tools that a trader can have. An individual with a clear vision of himself as a trader, with positive detail and without misgiving, is truly a trader. Once we can clearly see the vision of ourselves doing or being a particular thing, the experience of it exists for us. When the clear picture is created in our minds, the image of reality becomes real for us and we send instructions to our unconscious mind that must be followed to make it so. At this point, we set into motion the forces that will do whatever it takes to make that image become a reality. In fact, the reality of that vision is already manifested in the future. We may not be able to play Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 yet, but if we can see ourselves doing it, we are well on the way to reaching our goals.

Passion is the fuel to an unstoppable path.

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