The pictures that you create in your mind are really instructions to your unconscious mind. The general instruction from each and every mental image is identical, even if the actual images are completely different. The general instruction from these mental images is the same as the command given by Captain Jean Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise to his First Officer. When Captain Picard issued a command, it was always accompanied by the phrase, “Make it so, Number One!”

In the case of your own mind dramas, your mental picture is the Commander and your unconscious mind is its First Officer, condemned to carry out its every order without question. To your unconscious mind, your picture of reality is the reality. It must do whatever is needed to “make it so.” Two facts about these mental pictures give them power to structure your reality:

1. They are directives that must be obeyed

2. Since they are operating on an unconscious level, they are very difficult to identify and even more difficult to influence

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