The words dream and fantasy are often used as synonyms, but the difference between them is far greater than semantics. These two words represent two opposing philosophical positions. A dream, though not yet a reality, has the potential to become one. A dream is created in order to manifest a future reality. Dreams represent intention.

A young athlete who dreams of becoming an Olympic gold-medal winner is the young man or woman who then practices eight hours a day, makes sacrifices of time, effort, comfort, and immediate gratification. The traders who dream of becoming great traders arise early to start the day, spend countless hours reading about their field, then research, develop, and test their methodologies and systems, and take every opportunity to develop themselves psychologically and professionally.

It is true that many dreams appear, on the surface, to be as impossible to turn into reality as fantasies. So, what separates a dream from a fantasy? A dream is a fantasy that you really want to make happen.

A dream represents something that you really care about, something that makes you want to take action to turn it into reality. A dream is a true motivating force and the making of it into a reality becomes a need.

Dreams often start out as visions without form and detail, just like most fantasies. But, once you see the vision as a real goal, it takes on the form of a dream in which you begin to give it shape and detail. As it develops, you add color, ...

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