With all of the social and political pressures on a trader to be realistic thinkers, especially in view of the current economic situation, it is important to stay aware of the implications of these two studies. Realistic thinking is small thinking and small thinking creates small results. Unrealistic thinking is optimistic thinking, and it is demonstrated in these studies that this kind of thinking creates large results—the kind of thinking that a trader with ambition to succeed must cultivate. So, here are some exercises and strategies to keep your thinking large and, by extension, your results as well.

Goal Setting

If you have not done a goal-setting exercise in recent time, set aside some time. But, do not think of this process as a chore or as something that would be other than pleasant. For this goal-setting exercise to be effective, it should be framed as a truly enjoyable experience, like getting a massage or being treated to a great meal. The reason for setting the atmosphere for this goal-setting experience as a relaxing, delightfully rewarding experience is because you cannot set large goals if you are worried or anxious, depressed, feeling tight and stressed, or reluctant. This goal-setting exercise is designed to get you dreaming of what you would really want. Thus, you cannot be constrained by the superego voice in your head that tells you that your goal is unrealistic, unnecessary, over-the-top, greedy, self-indulgent, or that you do not deserve ...

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