There are many parents who sacrifice for their children, but sometimes this comes with a price. They expect and encourage their children to either live the life that they wanted for themselves, or live a life that they want them to live for other various reasons. When their offspring display the kind of independence that the parents have had in their lives, all hell can break loose.

Sammy was given everything he wanted. He was the golden child that could do no wrong. Sammy’s brother became an athlete with no form of income of his own. His sister married after graduating with an art degree with a goal of having a life of leisure. Sammy knew what was expected of him after college and dutifully ran his father’s business for five years. He married the kind of woman that his family expected him to marry and they had the two expected children.

Sammy’s friend introduced him to trading and it was love at first sight. He became obsessed and that obsession turned to earning good money, but it was at the cost of the business beginning to fail. Sammy started to sabotage his efforts in trading when his father had a heart attack. He blamed himself and everyone blamed him as well. This is when I entered the picture. I worked with Sammy on balancing his life to include both the business and his trading. Sammy’s brother and sister entered the business on a part-time basis and finally found that they came from the same cloth as their father, enjoying ...

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