The phone rings. On the other end of the line is a trader who tells me with pride in his voice that he is trading with a modest amount of capital. He also tells me that his wife and family are supportive of his efforts and that he will do whatever is necessary to be successful. Later that day, I hear from another trader who comes into trading with five times the capital of the first trader. However, he does not see himself as having adequate resources to make the personal investment that is needed to become a top trader. He feels that his family is unsupportive and he debates about the time and money that will be required to continue his education as a trader. The first trader is well on his way to success, while the second has placed roadblocks directly in his own path. The first trader can take positive action, while the second trader hesitates.

What makes the difference between these traders? The difference is not financial resources, but the perception of what those resources are. How you see yourself and others will largely determine the actions that follow. It is those actions that will create the rewards that you reap. The traders who know how to measure what is needed and will pay the required price are the traders who will ultimately become successful. If they perceive their needs and see the value in meeting those needs, then they are motivated to act. But first, they must have a clear vision of all that they have and all that they could be.

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