
Note: Page numbers with “f” denote figures; “t” tables; and “b” boxes.


Accessibility information quality category, 13b
Apple, 83
Application of TIRM process, 167–214
context, establishment of, 167–172
information risk assessment, 173–202
information risk treatment, 203–214
Approximate string matching algorithms, 249, 265
Association rule mining, 259–260
Automated methods for TIRM, 237
information environment step, investigation of, 238–244
information quality problems identification, 244–250
information risks, detection and treatment of, 256–268
risk analysis tool covering stage B, 250–256
Automated track and trace technologies, 262–263


Big Data, 4–5, 31, 33–35
Bow-tie diagrams, 232–233
Brainstorming, 83, 218–220
Business intelligence ...

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