For Future Reference

Scriptable tmux commands


tmux new-session -s development -n editor

Creates a session named “development” and names the first window “editor.”

tmux attach -t development

Attaches to a session named “development.”

tmux send-keys -t development ’[keys]’ C-m

Sends the keystrokes to the “development” session’s active window or pane. C-m is equivalent to pressing the Enter key.

tmux send-keys -t development:1.1 ’[keys]’ C-m

Sends the keystrokes to the “development” session’s first window and first pane, provided the window and pane indexes are set to 1. C-m is equivalent to pressing the Enter key.

tmux select-window -t development:1

Selects the first window of “development,” making it the active window. ...

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