Implementing the Select All feature

We know that Tkinter has a built-in sel tag that applies a selection to a given text range. We want to apply this tag to the entire text in the widget.

We can simply define a function to handle this, as follows (

def select_all(event=None):  content_text.tag_add('sel', '1.0', 'end')  return "break"

After doing this, add a callback to the Select All menu item:

edit_menu.add_command(label='Select All', underline=7, accelerator='Ctrl+A', command=select_all)

We also need to bind the function to the Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut. We do this by using the following key bindings (

content_text.bind('<Control-A>', select_all)content_text.bind('<Control-a>', select_all)

The coding of the Select All

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