Rules for a pawn

A pawn has a unique movement too in that it moves forward, but it captures diagonally. Let's similarly override the moves_available class from within the Pawn class, as follows (see

class Pawn(Piece):   def moves_available(self, current_position):    model = self.model    piece = self    if self.color == 'white':      initial_position, direction, enemy = 1, 1, 'black'    else:      initial_position, direction, enemy = 6, -1, 'white'    allowed_moves = []    # Moving    prohibited = model.all_occupied_positions()    start_position = get_numeric_notation(current_position.upper())    forward = start_position[0] + direction, start_position[1]    if model.get_alphanumeric_position(forward) not in prohibited:      allowed_moves.append(forward) if start_position[0] ...

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