Adding themes

You may recall that while defining the Themes menu, we defined a color scheme dictionary containing the name and hexadecimal color codes as a key-value pair, as follows:

color_schemes = { 
'Default': '#000000.#FFFFFF',
'Aquamarine': '#5B8340.#D1E7E0',
'Bold Beige': '#4B4620.#FFF0E1',
'Cobalt Blue':'#ffffBB.#3333aa',
'Olive Green': '#D1E7E0.#5B8340',
'Night Mode': '#FFFFFF.#000000',

The theme choice menu has already been defined. Let's add a command callback to handle the selected menu (refer to in the code bundle):

themes_menu.add_radiobutton(label=k, variable=theme_choice, command=change_theme)

Finally, let's define the change_theme function to handle the changing of themes, as follows:

def change_theme(event=None): ...

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