
Not enough people can say I feel in control, I am achieving my priorities, I am energized and inspired, and I have discretionary time to use as I choose. Too many people are exhausted, miserable, and focused on the short term. Leaders who are thoughtfully ruthless with their time, energy, and resources will catapult themselves ahead of the competition. Unlimited energy, increased discretionary time to use as you choose, and a backup team who support you is your reward for being thoughtfully ruthless.

When I suggest to my executive clients that they need to be more ruthless, I often see them wince. It has connotations of being brutal, selfish, and heartless. Once I explain my definition of thoughtfully ruthless, I get more nods and acknowledgment that this could accelerate results. For me, being thoughtfully ruthless means managing your energy and resources by being direct, being imperturbable, and focusing on the long term, while recognizing that your time is precious and you can control it, ruthlessly.

I have been part of teams that broke the mold and created groundbreaking, innovative products such as Kinect for Xbox. This book will include that story as well as conversations with innovative founders, such as Gregg Glassman, who built the multimillion-dollar business of CrossFit Inc., which created the billion-dollar industry of affiliates, equipment, nutrition, and apparel. After starting as a personal trainer at Gold's Gym, Glassman catapulted his success by being ...

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