Today, searching the Web is an essential capability whether you are sitting at your desktop PC or wandering the corporate halls with your wireless PDA. As a result, the business of commercial search engines has become an indispensible part of the Web. As search engines have become commonplace tools for virtually every user of the Web, companies such as Google and Yahoo! have become household names.

Recently, efforts have been made to implement limited semantic search by Google and other innovators. However, even with Google, it is common that searches return substantial unwanted results and may well miss the important information that you need.

Semantic search methods could augment and improve traditional search results by using not just words, but also concepts and logical relationships. There are two basic approaches to improving search results through semantic methods: (1) using Semantic Web documents and (2) Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI).

In this chapter we explore semantic search engines and semantic search agents, including their current development and progress. We will also discuss Google’s Page algorithm, a Latent Semantic Indexing algorithm, and the Semantic Web search applications TAP and Swoogle.


Commercial search engines are based upon one of two forms of Web search technologies: human directed search and automated search.

The human directed search engine technology utilizes a database of keyword, concepts, and ...

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