images 44. What Are Twitter Trends?

Twitter trends (see Figure 6-5) are the topics that most people on the service are talking about right now. Like with search, Twitter trends are updated in real time and are filtered for users to list topics of common interest that are hot and exciting to discuss. These topics typically consist of “breaking news” that can be related to current political events, celebrities, new technology, or just general terms or hashtags that people promote and use.


FIGURE 6-5: Twitter trends

imagesA trending topic is a word, phrase, or topic that is posted (tweeted) multiple times on Twitter. Trending topics become popular either through a concerted effort by users or because of an event that prompts people to talk about one specific topic.

Trends can be localized to regions, countries, or they can be worldwide. This will let you see what the latest hot news is for a certain locale, which may be more relevant for your brand. According to, cities and countries listed change “dynamically based on tweet volume” and if the country or city is missing, Twitter isn't “receiving enough Tweets from that geographical area to create a quality list.”

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