Chapter 14. Passion Sells


"Sales are contingent on the attitude of the salesman—not the attitude of the prospect."

 --W. Clement Stone, businessman and author

"What turns a mediocre mission statement into one that makes you misty eyed every time you think of it is not a well-thought-out company policy, goal, or target market, but rather a why that makes it all worthwhile, a little piece of magic that comes to you in the middle of the night—a seed for great inspiration."

 --Peter J. Patsula, business writer

"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly."

 --Stephen R. Covey, business writer and motivator

Passion Sells

Change Your World

In the early nineteenth century a wealthy English fence maker named Sir Samuel Brown lived on his estate along the Tweed River. His great passion was growing roses.

Owning land on both sides of the river, Brown built a magnificent garden on the opposite bank from his home where the land was most fertile. But there was a problem. When he wanted to get to the other side of the river he had to travel several miles by horse and buggy to reach the nearest bridge. His garden was literally so near and yet so far.

This arrangement was fine for Brown while he was young. But as he aged it became increasingly uncomfortable to make the journey, and his gardening trips across the river became less frequent. As a result, his beautiful roses lost their health and beauty.

Distressed that the ...

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